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My Role Model

I don't think that I actually have a particular role model because I don't fully imitate or grasp other people way of life because I have some principles in my life to achieve my virtue- and yes my principles are changing over time by the way my perspective to see the life, but according to Oxford Dictionary, a role model is "a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated".  So it means I have a lot of role models that seems to have the same virtue like me, for example, Socrates, Diogenes of Sinope (Diogenes was a common name on 300BC), Adriano Qalbi, my dad, and the list goes on.       Socrates is one of my role models because of his honesty to himself that he was accepting the fact that he didn't know anything. He was aware whenever he tried to understand something in particular, it would only lead to another question that he wouldn't understand yet. Even though this thing is applied to all people even in this day, but most of the people don...
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End World Hunger

World hunger is a specter that haunt humanity since a long time ago. If you think it just a scarcity of foods and goodies and it solvable with the right foods distribution- This problem is actually more complex than what you think. It caused by many factors that connected with one and another.      The first factor is global warming or known as climate change is one of the factors that affect food supplies. An uncertain climate such as a year of not enough or too much rain, scorching spell or cold snap at the wrong time can have a significant effect on crop yields and even livestock production. Because of the rarity of the foods, the foods price will go up as the law of supplies and demands applied. Not only that, the increment of the food price is also affected by the cost to ship goodies since most of the fuel is an oil based and oil industry is overwhelmed to deal with an extreme weather especially scorching weather.      In addition to the rarity of...

Late Introduction

“A 21 years old guy who into computer geeks, DOTA2 pro-scene, K-Pop and maybe a bit of philosophy. Although he likes philosophy yet he really a goofy guy—he rarely being a serious person.” Maybe that is what my friend will say to their friend to introduce me—maybe, I’m not sure. My name is Faisal Ramadhan Budiono. I’m a senior student at Gunadarma University and I take Information System major. But please—if you really want to know me, just called me Ucul for so on.  “How Ucul came up and being your nickname?”, “Why you want to be called Ucul?”. Should I make myself a Wikipedia page or something? Like I’ve been answering that question for like thousand times at least. It came up from my elementary school back then and I like it. I feel like I more likely looks like Ucul than Faisal. Faisal is like a wise person that really competent in his field and has serious face everytime—and also a quiet person. In short, that it isn’t a good friend material—at least not the fun one! If you...

Beberapa Solusi yang Ditawarkan Perusahaan ACL

Beberapa solusi yang diberikan Perusahaan ACL, antara lain: Manajemen Penipuan Penipuan atau kecurangan dalam pekerjaan bersembunyi di setiap celah perusahaan. Penipuan atau kecurangan ini mengurangi hingga 5% dari total pendapatan perusahaan dan juga merusak performa, integritas dan reputasi dari perusahaannya. Perusahaan ACL menawarkan 360 ° anti-fraud solution yang menggunakan algoritma untuk menemukan aktifitas yang mencurigakan. Menggunakan pencarian pola dan anomali yang bahkan luput dari kontrol ERP dengan menggabungkan pre-approval control dan detective control untuk mencari apakah ada yang luput dari kontrol sistem. Mengontrol pengujian terhadap kerangka umum dan persyaratan peraturan. Platform ACL menyediakan alur kerja yang teratur untuk mengotomatisasikan tugas, tinjauan, remediasi dari masalah yang kritis dan melacak status investigasi untuk memperkuat performa dan mengurangi kecurangan, pemborosan dan penyalahgunaan.   Pemantauan Risiko dan Pengendal...

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)

            Pengembangan yang efisien bergantung pada metodologi yang konsisten dan pendefinisian yang jelas. Jika kamu baru saja bergelut dibidang wide world of development , kamu harus mengerti apa itu Software Development Life Cycle atau lebih dikenal dengan SDLC. Pengertaian SDLC             SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) adalah proses yang menghasilka software dengan kualitas yang terbaik dengan harga yang relatif lebih murah pada waktu yang singkat. SDLC memuat rencana yang detil tentang cara  mengembangkan, mengubah, memelihara dan mengganti perangkat lunak sistem.             SDLC melibatkan beberapa tahap yang berbeda termasuk perencanaan, perancangan, pembuatan, percobaan dan penyebaran. Model-model SDLC yang populer meliputi model waterfall , spiral dan agile .        ...

Definisi dan Tujuan dari Audit Sistem Informasi

Apa itu Audit Sistem Informasi?      Audit Sistem Informasi atau Audit Teknologi Informasi merupakan pemeriksa pengelolaan kendali yang berada di dalam infrastruktur teknologi informasi. Evaluasi dari bukti yang diperoleh menentukan apakah sistem informasi melindungi aset, memilihara integritas data dan beroprasi secara efektif untuk mencapai tujuan ataupun sasaran dari suatu organisasi. Kegiatan ini dilakukan bersamaan dengan audit laporan keuangan, audit internal dan bentuk keterlibatan pengesahan lainnya.      Audit sistem informasi benar-benar tidak sama dengan audit laporan keuangan. Tidak semua audit sistem informasi bergantung pada audit internal, karena ketergantungan pada audit internal merupakan karakteristik unik dari audit keuangan. Evaluasi dari audit internal sangat diperlukan oleh audit keuangan agar secara substansial mengurangi jumlah pengujian yang diperlukan yang akan membuat pertimbangan dari laporan keuangan perusahaan. Sebaliknya...

Corel Ventura dan Ovation Studio Pro

Pengantar Animasi dan Desain Grafis   Corel Ventura dan Ovation Studio Pro 3KA17 Kelompok 1: Faisal Ramadhan Budiono                13114819 Galih Aditya Dwi Cahya                   14114432 Hatta Nurhadi Hasibuan                   1 4114854 Indra Wahyudi Effendi                     15114310 Riri Dwi Putri                                   19114469 Universitas Gunadarma ATA 2016/2017 Corel Ventura             Corel Ventura...