“A 21 years old guy who into computer geeks, DOTA2 pro-scene, K-Pop and maybe a bit of philosophy. Although he likes philosophy yet he really a goofy guy—he rarely being a serious person.” Maybe that is what my friend will say to their friend to introduce me—maybe, I’m not sure. My name is Faisal Ramadhan Budiono. I’m a senior student at Gunadarma University and I take Information System major. But please—if you really want to know me, just called me Ucul for so on.
“How Ucul came up and being your nickname?”, “Why you want to be called Ucul?”. Should I make myself a Wikipedia page or something? Like I’ve been answering that question for like thousand times at least. It came up from my elementary school back then and I like it. I feel like I more likely looks like Ucul than Faisal. Faisal is like a wise person that really competent in his field and has serious face everytime—and also a quiet person. In short, that it isn’t a good friend material—at least not the fun one! If you don’t agree with me, I don’t mind it. I respect others opinion—internet era should have freedom of speech, shouldn't it? Let’s back to the main subject, why I prefer being called Ucul. If you heard a name like Ucul, what you imagine that person is like? I’m sure with that catchy nickname you would imagine a unique person, wouldn’t you? Because that is the persona that I’m trying to make. Ucul is a crazy, goofy friend that will make you laugh—like who doesn’t like laughing? However, if someone feels at ease enough around and wanted to confide in to me—they could count on me. I’m a good listener.
So, will I be a crazy-goofy person every time because I prefer being “Ucul”? The question is a big NO. I’m being Ucul just around my friend, or around people who willing to get to know me. If I’m in some business situation such as studying or working that require me to be a professional person, I will choose being “Faisal” considering “Ucul” persona isn’t suitable for that situation.
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